Over a million happy customers
can’t be wrong …

It has definitely changed my life. I use it every day. I just feel weird if I don’t.Kimi Morton, Honolulu, Hawaii
It takes you three minutes. It changes everything.Daegan Smith, Founder of The Home Business Agency
I like Simpleology because extra productivity gives me extra time to focus on things outside of my work like family and friends.Michael Wynne, CEO, Harmonia Productions
My life is just totally, totally, totally different.Clarence Fisher, CEO, Tulsa Internet
You just gotta get it.Harry Johnson Jr, CEO Miami Vacation Rental Homes, Body For Life Champion
The bottom line is this: when I have been consistent in using Simpleology, my business has flourished and grown. When I have been inconsistent in using Simpleology my business has flatlined.Will Dukes, Regional Developer Sales Partners of Miami
Simpleology is helping me become a doctor.David Marriott, Medical Student
Simpleology helped me get out of this rat race. It had a huge impact on my health and of course my productivity.Hans Meirhofer, Director of Marketing, Juice Plus+
Before Simpleology I was scattered all over the place. Great tool. 10 out of 10.Adam Judish, Boulder CO
It’s so much fun! I protested a bit thinking a little program on the computer wouldn’t do much to help someone my age. But it did! And I get up every morning and truthfully look forward to getting on my computer with my new friend, my new assistant, Simpleology.Donna Lesko, Owner DMCL Marketing
If you’re struggling with productivity or reaching your goals, then definitely … definitely get Simpleology.Doug Landers, Entrepreneur from Tulsa OK
We’re half way into June and I’ve already matched last year’s sales. I’ve also used Simpleology to daily review my long term goals which has allowed me to lose 30 pounds in the last 60 days alone.Wink Jones, President of Winfield's
I highly recommend Simpleology to any of you who are considering using it. Use it everyday and see the changes for yourself.Garrett Duan, CEO of Command Z
I used it to lose over 100 pounds in 6 months. That’s the great thing about Simpleology. It’s a very flexible system. Anything that you want, you can use it to find a way and stay on track until you get there. That being that most important part, that it keeps you doing it until you arrive.Anthony Halvorson, Copywriter
It’s provided me a clear and consistent path.Tim Parisi, Founder of Red Mountain Kickboxing
I couldn’t live without it, to be honest. But I think the main reason I keep using Simpleology is because of what happens when I don’t use it on a regular basis.Anthony, Nottingham UK
Simpleology will free your brain from all those tasks floating around in your head.Edith Russo, Software Developer Seattle WA
Simpleology allows me to break through this initial paralysis and systematically chip away at large projects by focusing on tiny steps each day.Antoniya, PhD Student University of Central Florida
It helps eliminate the distractions and focus on those things that lead directly to the goal.Paul Wakefield, President of Cool-Koncepts
Simpleology has made a huge huge difference in my life. I’ve never been so productive.Winfred Deal, Chief Catalyst
If you want to sleep better at night, use Simpleology.Kent Lindley, iServe Residential Lending
It has made a huge huge impact on my productivity. I can’t recommend it enough.Jay Cradeur, San Francisco
It was exactly what I needed. My productivity has skyrocketed.Justin Lambert
I really would be sad if I didn’t have it.Daniel Wright, Streetwise Marketing
I advise everyone I know to use it. Anyone who has problems with productivity and focus should use Simpleology. It’s really magic.Oscar Woudsma, The Sixth Sun
I’m building my career and I even have more time to do things like make music.Casey Tibbs, Entrepreneur
It’s been stupendous. It’s not just about work. It’s about your whole life.Mark Rubenstein, Boca Raton FL
Simpleology really embraces everything someone on the go needs.Chad Range, MetroGistics
People think of me as super productive, but really all I do is follow Simpleology.Vin Whinnery, CEO of KonvertKlix
At least tripled my productivity.Koray Ozturk, CEO of Mobilarium
I’ve been using it consistently for the last 10 days and I’m noticing an enormous improvement in my organization and productivity.Laurie Burkhead, Real Estate Investor
The value is immense.Aldo Monti, Freelane Marketing Consultant
Unprecedented in its simplicity and the impact it can have on one’s life.Rod Limb, Professional Counselor and Clinic Director
Simpleology has been a breakthrough for me.Tim Haas, Small Business Owner
As a side benefit, it also gives me mental clarity throughout the day …Terry, Baltimore MD
It just keeps your mind free.Doug Golinski, High Tech Business Solutions
It teaches me how to think productively, not just have a system to manage my tasks.Brett, Executive Assistant Orlando FL
Simpleology keeps me organized and focused so I don’t have to carry everything around in my head.Renee, Senior IT Program Manager / Consultant
It buys me brain space.Kurt Petrich
It’s just the best one out there. Hands down.Justin Glover
It was amazing.Martin Bolduc, Cancer Survivor
I wouldn’t be without it. You shouldn’t be either.James McRoy, CEO Glass Frog Digital Marketing
By using Simpleology you will greatly enhance your life.Denis Switzer, Engineer
It’s really changed my life.Peter Antonov, Founder of Succeed in Bulgaria
With Simpleology every day I’m zooming in on my goals. And guess what? I’m reaching them.Michael Zelbel, Publisher Good Light Magazine
I recommend it to all people.Roberto Villegas, CEO Quality Change Consultores
I have a clear head that I haven’t experienced in many many years. I’ve been recommending it to anyone who will listen.Binnyamin Dov Zuriel, Carpenter Israel
“I love Simpleology so much that I gave it as a homework assignment to all my students, clients and teleseminar participants. You are starting a revolution, and I am proudly spreading your mastery and brilliance like a virus. Your methods are so simple, profound and DOABLE!”Athena Murphy, Neuroscientist and Teacher
“Hello, since I have begun using Simpleology I have increased my earnings 3 times and purchased a brand new car and home. All of these results came from my increased level of self control & concentration. Working on my targets made it impossible for me to fail. It's a total wake up call for anyone who is putting in too many hours a week and still needing more time. I can’t thank you enough! never thought I could find my way out of the maze. Thanks for the map!”Kathy Baka, Realtor, Washington D.C.
“My experience with Simpleology is nothing less than extraordinary. When I first discovered it, I was a very different person that I am today. With the help of Simpleology I have been able to dramatically increase my productivity, boost my energy, and make huge leaps towards my dreams. I recommend it to everyone. I even recommend it to complete strangers and have my own mother using it. No matter your circumstances, I believe it will help. It has helped me in ways I couldn’t convey in brief text alone.”Dante Romero, Prada
“Simpleology is like having a disk defragmenter or a disk clean up installed into your brain. I highly recommend it for scatter-brains (like I used to be).”Rowen Akapa, Boise, ID
“I have managed, at the grand old age of 74, to get my first novel published So, many thanks, Simpleology.”Patricia Olds
“Simpleology helped me realize how simple my life goal was, and that the ‘elusive’ life goal was actually far closer and more realizable than I had ever thought. It has made me more content and focused as a human being.”Phillip Anderson
“Just a quick note to say thank you for creating such a life changing environment. I love the step by step approach. It has helped me turn my life around by helping me more productive, developing a stable financial platform and increased energy. It is onwards and upwards from here! Also if you do ever have any problems the support team are amazing, continually getting back in touch until it is resolved. Thanks again.”Geoff Stodart, Head of HR & Safety at Scenic World
“I feel more motivated and enthusiastic than ever. Through Start My Day every morning, I can quickly reflect on yesterday’s successes and failures, then plan for the day ahead. One particular bonus I have found with Simpleology is the very responsive and effective technical support.”Andrew Obermeier, Associate Professor at Kyoto University of Education
“While I love how Simpleology has helped me achieve this amazing goal it is their customer support that continues to blow me away. Customer service is a dead art. Most companies make little to no effort to truly solve a problem. Simpleology customer support representatives are sooooo different.”Colleen Rocha, Freelance Writer
“This is a miracle. I’m an overachiever, always have been. I’ve been carrying a daytimer since I was 14, and I’ve listened to all the motivational speakers, most of whom helped me. But I have NEVER been as productive as I’ve been the past few weeks that I’ve been following Simpleology.“Laura Katherine Thomson
“I am a master procrastinator and I recongnize now that it is because I allow myself to get distracted from my primary target. I am extremely grateful to have this tool to do for me what I could not do for myself.“Sharon Hadley
“Works like a miracle. Immediately doubled my energy.”Sandor Fekete-Kiss
“Simpleology is a wonderfully simple and powerful program. And their customer service matches the quality of their product! You have won a loyal user for life!”Amit Singh
“I am a church minister, counselor, and musician who has recently received a promotion on account of recognition as one of the most organized and productive members of the church executive leadership. I feel so proud of what I have achieved, and of how you have assisted. It’s a long way from my very humble and difficult childhood beginnings. The main element that has contributed to this effectiveness in my life, has been my using Simpleology diligently and consistently.”Pastor Dr. Bola Animashaun, Strong Tower Church UK
“My only regret is in not having followed through when I started Simpleology a few years ago. Luckily, it kept nagging at my consciousness until recently I started the course all over again. I feel it! Procrastination is fast becoming a thing of the past; at my age, my energy level is peaking again; my finances are being handled better; I’m acheiving so much more with my time … dont’ get me started here! I feel an almost childish excitement to move on to the other levels of Simpleology.”Kelwyn Suite
“This whole program you have set up is sheet genius. I marvel at the simplicity and ease with which you steer your users to action and to the understanding that It’s not about re-inventing the wheel, it’s about improving upon the spokes that are already there.”Aymee Rodriguez
“This is excellent. It is improving my productivity after the first day. It is also one of the best web applications that I have ever seen. I am a web developer and I am very impressed – and jealous! “Chris Adams
“I have more free time than I know what to do with AND I have gotten all my tasks completed! This is a MUST HAVE for anyone who wants to get the most out of their day!”Dave Harper, Success Coach
“I am now finding so much added time in my day to work with, and I do have more energy. Thank you for you simple but fruitful steps as I march toward my goals. “Henry Clasing
“I feel like I finally have a compass. I can’t thank Simpleology enough.”Patrick Fredriksson
“I now can set up my priorities and whenever other things are coming to my desk, I just do not waste my precious time and energy… I am so happy to have found Simpleology. Great tool and great support. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”Marisa Pascal
“I LOVE the Simpleology systems. They seem flawless – covering absolutely everything needed to stay on track.”Connie Portele
“I am consistently impressed with Simpleology’s level of customer service. I just had a nice online support chat with Ginger and her quality of service was phenomenal. I could see her smiling welcome even without a video feed! Totally made my day.”Kimberly Sandalwood
“This is easily the most effective tool for productivity that I have ever used. It is dynamic and fluid and helps me adapt my schedule to a life that is always changing.”David Schneider
“I am transitioning into a Sales Management role shortly, and have been looking for outside help on increasing my productivity and effectiveness to get greater results and allow me to thrive under the added pressure of having to manage not only my accounts, but a whole team’s! This program is all about simplifying your efforts, maintaining laser-like focus on where you want to be, and taking the fewest steps to get there. This is exactly what I have been looking for to counteract my habit of over complicating things. Thanks for putting this together, and I can’t wait to see what’s next.”George Cerny
“Thank you for creating this wonderful, easy to follow system. I am currently growing my business on a monthly basis by using Simpleology to keep me focused. Whenever I find that I am not seeing results or that the results are happening slowly, I go back to Simpleology and I find the area that needs fixing and I get busy clearing the problem. Again Thank you for creating this system!”John Clark
“I used Simpleology to transition myself from the frustrations of medical practice to the joy of being a serial entrepreneur.”Dr. Bill Toth
“Because of the guidance your program has provided me I have been able to gain success in my life, my family and my business. Before Simpleology I was overwhelmed, and now I am focused and more powerful than ever.”Deborah Tudor
“I have browsed through all the productivity apps and your method is by far the most user friendly and intuitive.”Chryssy Adamson
“It always gets me motivated and productive – without fail.”Tulika Bhalia
“I am so grateful for Simpleology, because it changed my way of looking and acting in the world. It’s been a huge difference in my life. Since using it I’ve even started my first business. For me it’s just a miracle.”Chloe Pernia
“Simpleology, in a nutshell, has transformed my life! By transforming my thinking, it has helped me become more productive, have more energy and soon a profitable music marketing company! I would have never thought it was possible to achieve my dreams, at least this fast, but Simpleology has made it possible.”James Allen, Author and Entrepreneur
“Great things are in the works for me, which I can attribute to the Simpleology tools I am learning and applying to my life.”Joe Hardy
“If you want something good to happen in your life – make it happen with the help of Simpleology.”Cary Lee
“I have been using Simpleology for over a year, and it has taken my productivity to a whole new level. Before I signed up for Simpleology I was already pretty organized and was known for getting things done. After getting into the habit of logging into the software every day I have dramatically expanded my proverbial ‘plate’ – I am now able to handle a lot more without overwhelm. I highly recommend Simpleology specifically to someone who is already organized – the software took me to a whole new level of mastery that was not available to me before. My favorite tool is the Dreamcatcher – I use it pretty much every day and it allows me to not get distracted when I am in the ‘zone.’”Rina Edelstein, Accountant, Commodities Trading Firm
“I have so much clarity and certainty that if I do take it step by step I will be living my ultimate life. Another amazing thing… I’m getting hired today! It has to do something with Simpleology. Even though I am very entrepreneurial and didn’t want a job before, I’ve now come to understand that a job is just a milestone to where I want to get (“End-State”).”Edgar Gutierrez, San Diego, CA
“Every step I take with you makes life different, more powerful. I really appreciate this.”Jelena Mila, Actress and Author
“Simpleology is more than brilliant. The spirit of the entire concept makes it so valuable for everyday people to improve their lives, creatively, intentionally, and even financially. Your generosity and expertise shine through … a gem on the web. The concepts and lessons of Simpleology helped changed my thinking.”Cheryl Hutcherson, Dire Times Almanac
“Simpleology is simply the most amazing tool I have stumbled across in many years. It literally gives you a blueprint for life. Whether it is personal wealth or physical well being or how to be a successful author, they take you by the hand and lead you every step of the way. The various methods of learning, including audios, ebooks and video presentations all combine to ensure that the message is delivered in the best way possible. If you even put in the smallest amount of effort, Simpleology will guarantee success far beyond your expectations.“Justyn McDonald, Adelaide, Australia
“It’s the most amazing online tool I’ve ever seen. I was amazed and astounded with the amount of organized detail, all of which is designed to keep me focused, one task at a time. I’ve been looking for something like this for a very long time. I highly recommend it.”Stephen Hopson, First Deaf Pilot in History to Receive an Instrument Rating
“Simpleology has been a driving force behind the creation of my first products and the maintaining of my health and sanity. Yes, it is that powerful. All the time I see people and companies that are not getting things done. Simpleology is the answer in my opinion.”Jason Henderson, Founder, Big Marketing
“I don’t know of anything that has brought me more peace of mind or taught me how to deal with daily problems than Simpleology. You are a Godsend. Being the only caregive for 2 mentally handicapped grand-daughters and a husband with alzheimer’s disease, I was at my wit’s end. Simpleology helped me not only to focus on my job, but to focus on what is important in life. You came into my life at exactly the right time.”Mary Kathryn Donachy
“They are not paying me to pitch this product. That’s too bad since I’ve told tons of folks about it. The information is meant to be ingested daily and comes in a short, fun video format that can be accessed 24/7. If you have trouble reaching goals or don’t even know what your goals are, this tool is for you. If managing time, projects, even a daily to-do list is difficult, you will benefit from spending just 15 minutes a day with Simpleology. If you can visualize the end result but can’t find the road that leads there, Simpleology will provide the map.”Laura Starling, Macon, GA
“In the 4 months since I discovered Simpleology, not only am I more focused, my company has seen double-digit growth that I attribute directly to using this tool. Simpleology is not a time management program, it’s life changing on a global scale at a personal level. Mark makes it easy to be successful. Mark’s no-nonsense, matter-of-fact approach makes learning enjoyable, and application even moreso – plus I don’t have to wait months to experience results with the training. I recommend Simpleology to all my subscribers.”Lisa Young, The Home Party Solution
“Just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with your interface at Simpleology; it’s simple and easy to use, and makes daily organization a snap.”Bill Larrabee, Minneapolis, MN
WOW - THANK YOU - AMAZING are the first words that come to mind. I have only just started using Simpleology, but I can already feel the changes this morning. When I went to the Gym this morning I pushed a little harder as I am now focused and nothing will stop me. This is fantastic having a daily life coach taking me every step of the way to where I want to be. You have turned my world around. I only wish it could have been sooner, but you know what, today is the first day of my new life! It is simple, entertaining and precise, to the point. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!Sharon Boorer, South Africa
Simpleology is a fantastic product. When I use Simpleology I am much more productive than when I don't.Augistine Iacopelli, Assistant Director, West Campus, Wichita State University
What and ingenius program. Even I found it simple to use! I found where I resisted and where I hadn't been clear. I love it and highly recommend it to anyone ready and willing to take command of your personal happiness, fullfillment and success in life. You are an excellent teacher and instructor.Katrina Bee, Bee the Change
Thanks for a self-accountable system! Has kept me on track, and I have accomplished so much more since starting Simpleology. Now using it for my sport goals, and it has brought the possibility of winning into such a clear focus, I am astounded. Many Thanks.Josie Osu, Auckland, New Zealand
I really have no words for Simpleology ... It changed my life. My procrastination problems reduced to only 20% of what they were before.Pulkit Dave, Network Engineer, AT&T & Developer, Gameloft
Hi, just wanted to let you know that this product is absolute genius! The simple, efficient and effective way that this has been put together is magic and boy, what a difference it makes. Hats off to you. Well done for creating such an outstanding, life-changing product. I wish you every success.Amanda Lazare, Marketing Consultant, San Francisco
Wow, Simpleology. Not only do I regularly get 4 times as much done, the other day I think I had the most productive day of my life. If I had to do the math, I'd say literally 9 times as much as I used to do. I'm moving towards my Targets so fast I had to set new ones because my previous 'ambitions' won't take nearly as much time or work as I previously thought.Nick Roma, Niagra Falls
I got so much done, I could hardly believe it. I'm retired and do this program as I choose. But, if I were working, I would do it every day...no matter what. I get more done with it than without it. Indeed, I'm getting more things accomplished than I ever thought possible. I've completed tasks that normally would have been months in the mulling and doing. Thank you!Shirley A. McCafferty, Santa Barbara, CA
Well I need to thank Simpleology. Unlike most other programmes I have encountered, they place more focus on helping people than on making money. That's great.Zhi Wei Sim, Beijing
Thank you for putting together such a killer app. Before Simpleology my life was going in 1,000 directions. Now I am hitting my targets with more clarity and zeal - and faster than ever before. I recommend Simpleology to everyone I know and even mention it in my products.Nathan Vari, Chairman, Vari International
Simpleology simply helps me to create new and productive habits. Anyway, my testimonial is really all about Mark Joyner and his wonderful and accomodating Support Group. They have helped me with my issues and they have offered me excellent solutions that I never imagined possible. Mark Joyner and his Support team make sure that their members are happy and efficiently supported and helped. Mark Joyner, you do what you preach and I feel that you really do care that we become successful. Thank you for all the excellent products, wonderful support and encouragements.Susan de la Rosa, Amsterdam
Like its name, Simpleology is so simple. I totally love it. It's a tool to keep you focused on your goals and tasks; keeps you grounded on your short, medium and long term goals in life. It's just so GREAT!Michelle Makanas, Bangkok
I have done Simpleology off and on for about a year, and it has been so valuable to me! I am writing a novel and just had a BABY - a *colicky* baby - who demands my attention around the clock. But because of Simpleology, I am able to focus on giving him the care he needs, but I am also able to speed toward my health and writing targets as soon as he goes down for naps. Oh, and I also have time to practice music, a beloved hobby, for at least 20 minutes a day. (Do not pass the TV, do not collect the tub of ice cream in the freezer.) Simpleology will also affect my son's life because he's seen me being a Time and Energy Master from Day 1. He'll see me doing the productive things I love to do with energy and commitment. Hopefully, it'll be a long time before he realizes that most of the world moves at a snail's pace.Katherine Durkes, N-Heptane Studios
Hi, I am much more focused than I have ever been in my 47 years of life. About 3 weeks after starting Simpleology I got an idea for a business and I have been making steady measurable progress ever since. Being a field of endeavor I have never worked in there has been much to learn but I am within a couple of weeks of being in an income producing position. That is in just 10 weeks of study, practice and application of what I am learning, both in my chosen field and Simpleology. Thank you for sharing your inspiration and for making something so valuable accessible to anyone who wants it.Larry Long, Dallas, TX
I needed help and wasn't sure in which direction to go. Your simple emails with words of wisdom, comfort, and direction always gave me the energy I needed to take the next step. Thank you, Simpleology!Sharon E. Williams, Frederick, MD
After I started Simpleology I decided to swim again after almost 20 years without doing so.Juan Pablo Vargas Parker, Chile
You surprise and delight me with Simpleology. I am struck by the, well, SIMPLE approach you take to this work (how to live a high quality life). I am amazingly ready and excited to see what I will be thinking and creating.Robert G. Audet, Lab Manager, Protein Genomics
I wasted quite a few thousand of dollars on coaching, seminars, and workshops until I came across Simpleology. Within a year, I have cut 1/3 of my expenses and double my sales. Thank you!Sophia Lin, Asia Classic Tours
Simpleology is fantastic. I have learnt so much it's not funny, especially since I have been in business for 7 years now and would be considered to be reasonably successful. I have now included simpleology as a resource in my business for my staff and I am introducing it to all of my clients, (I own a financial planning practice so simpleology fits). Once again thanks for all the fantastic help.Terry Rota, Financial Gain, New Zealand
You are on to something really big here. It's so simple it's ridiculous, but I've probably doubled my productivity already after just the first 4 days. Thanks for putting out such a great resource anyone can use.Jee Jans, Madison, WI
I really appreciate the focus and renewal of dreams that is caused by these techniques. Bite size pieces is really helpful for someone like me who tends to be more of a big picture person but with trouble to translate into my daily life.Sylvia Hicks, Courtenay, British Columbia
I have never been more focused, or achieved so much on a daily basis as I have since starting Simpleology. It has inspired me with numerous business ideas that I am itching to get to work on, and I now have the tools to do so in an efficient and organised manner.Sandy Cummins, Writer's Exchange
Simpleology is the catalyst that has increased the speed at which my life improves. What's wonderful about it is that through this program I have become aware of just how important it is that we are the creators of our lifes because we truley are. Simpleology is a rare treat where profound wisdom is delivered through simple practical truths and methods. Simpleology delivers what so many programs promise but fail to deliver because they don't draw it out of you. Warmest Regards and supremely sincere gratitude from me to you.Julie Rosado, Senior Information Systems Analyst Specialist at California Department of Public Health
Simpleology gave my life a big boost. What a great system to focus on the really important things. I got so much more than I expected. It actually works.Melanie Langehan, Germany
I love the fact that I now finish all my daily targets in half the time with Simpleology. The tools that you get from this simple program are easy to use and they keep fresh before you, why your doing what you do. I Love it.Rev. Carrie Lauer, Center for Spiritual Living, Los Angeles
I love Simpleology. I tell all of my Time Management seminar students to sign up for it. Simpleology helps me stay on track so I get more done and have time left over for me. You can't get better than this.Tania Baildon, Business Coach
With 23 years experience in a large K-12 school system... I believe Simpleology should be a part of the school curriculum.Jon Frederick Lutterman, Portland, OR
Since I discovered Simpleology, my life is transforming. I do more. I have more clients and money. All because of doing what I learned with you. I can't thank you enough.Kelly-Rae Leduc, Montreal, Quebec
Simpleology is a fabulous tool for keeping your life and your business focused and on track!Kate Russel, Get the Picture
Your technology is absolutely wonderful, I wish I could use it at work as organizing and inspirational tool. I am a programmer myself, but kudos to your tech guys. I wish there were more businesses with such ethics around.Alex Zelenov, Senior Developer, Training Technologies Inc.
What a fantastic program! I just can't get over how much practable information is included. I could go to business school for 6 years and STILL not get so much! I would expect to pay THOUSANDS of dollars. Mark and crew sincerely have a heart for what you are going through, and want to help you do an about-face as I have! My head is still reeling.Kimberly Flores, CEO, Blue Jean Marketing
I have discovered the power of focused energy and focused thought that is astounding. I am 59 years old and have had a diverse and exciting life but this software is truely one of the greatest discoveries of all time. I had no idea how much time, money and energy I was wasting by not 'focusing'and staying on tract. I am so grateful. Thank youSara Down Sorge, Saudi Arabia
The funny thing is most of us initially write off the process of simpleology because it sounds so simple that it can't work. We then try it and find out it can. We then think we know it and start slipping back to our old ways. Only to get a kick in the butt one day because we find we cannot see the forest for the trees. We head back to Simpleology and start again. Then one day it clicks a bit harder. For me it has become a life long adventure the same as martial arts. The more I practice the more I learn and understand. It definitely lightens the load and makes for a more pleasant journey.Brian Richter, San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua
Since being able to do Simpleology on line, I have used it to great personal benefit - radically reduced anxiety and radically increased productivity. It has enabled me to see what a wealth of opportunity right in front of my nose that I was previously missing. Congratulations for designing and delivering such a great value resource.Allan Witt, Witt Design, Australia
You've Rocked my world again! Simpleology is such a rarity, not only on the net, but anywhere today. Your positive energy flows like a powerful current infusing this site/these programs with down-to-earth enthusiasm, realism & fun! IMHO - if someone can't make it with Simpleology behind them, they need to seriously rethink their business plans. With my deepest appreciation, I thank you.Rosemary Carollo, Little Falls, New York