"Mark is a genius.  Within one hour he turned on the lights in my brain about my marketing, my websites, and even my life's direction."

- Dr. Joe Vitale,
Author, Life's Missing Instruction Manual mrfire.com
"There is nobody better than Mark Joyner when it comes to marketing and copywriting skills. I'm a great fan of his creativity and I love this guy's work."

- Joseph Sugarman,
Chairman, BluBlocker Corporation and Best-Selling Author of "Triggers"
"I went from $500 per month to $500 per day and I truly owe it all to you."

- Mike Filsaime,
Founder of Butterfly Marketing butterflymarketing.com
"I'll be earning ten times more this year because of Mark Joyner."

- Jason Mangrum,
author of The Instant Marketing Miracle jasonmangrum.com
"Mark Joyner has a unique gift for reducing complex ideas to the ultimate in simplicity."

- Al Ries,
Chairman, Ries & Ries ries.com
"Clearly, Mark Joyner has done for Internet marketing what Jay Abraham did for direct marketing."

- Chet Holmes,
Fortune 500 Consultant chetholmes.com
"Mark Joyner writes in an easy-to-understand way, that makes implementation seem possible."

- Patricia Fripp,
CSP, CPAE, Past President National Speakers Assn. fripp.com
"The best book of the new millennium!"

- Robert Anton Wilson,
co-author of Illuminatus! rawilson.com
"I'm literally losing sleep studying and taking notes from the package you sent me. Do you have any clue how rare it is for me to say something like that to someone? It happens almost never."

- Gary Halbert,
Author of The Boron Letters thegaryhalbertletter.com
"Mark unlocked something in my mind that enabled me to develop a crystal-clear vision of how I want to live the rest of my life."

- Frank Mullen,
Author of Mutant Marketing mutantmarketing.com
"He is a master story teller, in the category of O'Henry, Guy de Maupassant or Jack London."

- Ellis Toussier,
"Mark Joyner takes ideas and mints them into gold bars... he is THE internet marketing genius of our time."

- Kevin Hogan,
Author of The Science of Influence kevinhogan.com
"Mark Joyner is the man who helped me realize it's possible to achieve total success in business."

- Marc Goldman,
CEO Goldbar Enterprises
LLC goldbar.com
"Mark Joyner's power lies in his ability to not only motivate you, but then to give you the specific ideas and steps to follow through on that inspiration."

- Jim Fleck,
Author of My Kids First Million mykidsfirstmillion.com
"He's two steps ahead of one step ahead. If he's selling it, I'm buying two of 'em."

- Sterling Valentine,
Founder of JVFormula.com
"When I think of one person that inspires me to take my business even higher, it's Mark Joyner."

- Tom Antion,
Author of The Ultimate Guide to Electronic Marketing antion.com
"I think Mark is a unique combination of psychologist, strategist, and visionary.  He seems to have a knack for seeing patterns in business years before most other experts clue in."

- Bart Baggett,
author of Success Secrets of the
Rich and Happy

"Mark is THE greatest marketing mind of our generation.  If you want to be successful, forget everything you know and listen to Mark Joyner."

- Dearl Miller,
Editor, Trafficology
"Mark Joyner is the catalyst who inspires people to achieve more than they ever thought possible."

- Richard Webster,
Author of Success Secrets:
Letters to Matthew

"Mark is one of the few people I know who can look right  through the illusions to see what's really going on."

- Paul Myers,
Editor of TalkBiz News
"Mark Joyner is one of the true pioneers of Internet Marketing."

- Yanik Silver,
Internet Entrepreneur
"In one amazing conversation Mark solved a marketing problem that had plagued me for years. His insight and compassion is amazing."

- Kenrick Cleveland,
Author of Max Persuasion maxpersuasion.com
"Mark Joyner is to personal motivation and inspiration what Michael Jordan is to basketball.  A magical genius!"

- Ankesh Kothari,
Editor of BizTactics
"Mark Joyner is pure genius, he has a very unique ability to completely simplify complex ideas.  He is the teacher I wished I had while attending University but could never find!"

- Joel Therien,
President and C.E.O. of HotConference hotconference.com
"Mark Joyner gets people unstuck. By changing 5 words, Mark transformed a 4-year-old idea of mine into a book proposal that sold within a week."

- Ben Mack,
former VP of Marketing for BBDO and Author of Think Two Brands Ahead benmack.com
"If you ever get the chance to learn from him in any format you MUST take immediate and full advantage of it, or you'll be missing out BIG-TIME!"

- Jason Oman,
#1 Best-Selling Author of
Conversations with Millionaires

"Mark is a legend and when legends speak I listen."

- Bob Silber,
"Mark goes where no one has gone before, blazing a trail that enlightens millions."

- David Garfinkel,
World Copywriting Institute davidgarfinkel.com
"Simply put... The sharpest marketer I've ever met. Mark's light years ahead of any other marketer I know."

- Brad Callen,
CEO of Bryxen Software bryxensoftware.com
"Mark Joyner is a high integrity, master creative expert at building immense value for people. Follow the principles Mark teaches and watch your business grow."

- Dr. Joe Rubino,
CEO, The Center for Personal Reinvention CenterForPersonalReinvention.com
"How fortunate we are that this master craftsman is allowing us to apprentice under him as he teaches us best tools of his trade."

- Gilles Dana,
CEO, Gildan Media Corp.
"Mark's astounding talent for cutting through the BS and getting to the heart of what matters is indispensable."

- Nick Temple,
The Virtual CTO
"Mark inspires, motivates, and makes the world a better place through his words."

- Sam Heyer,
CEO, Long Run Marketing, Inc. longrunmarketing.com
"Mark Joyner is a great man with a revolutionary vision of personal development."

- Randy Gage,
Author of Prosperity Mind
"Mark Joyner always informs and inspires me toward greater success."

- Bill Nieporte,
"Mark Joyner is an extraordinary person on a mission, a creative genius in two fields, marketing and personal growth, who is now using his talents to uplift and save our planet."

- Roger Haeske,
Author of Superbeing
"After our 1 day consultation with Mark, we went and immediately applied his instructions to one division of our company. Within 8 months, this product line had done a grand total of $921,964 in additional sales - plus a recurring monthly income stream of $20,503 per month ($246,036/year).  The return on investment cannot even be calculated because the effects are still being seen in new growth and ongoing profits.   If you have a chance learn from Mark, jump on it - your business and your life will never be the same."

- Matt Gill,
Co-Founder of Nitro Marketing, Inc. nitromarketing.com
"There are a handful of people known as Internet Marketing legends.

M ...
(name withheld out of respect)

J ...
(name withheld out of respect)

J ...
(name withheld out of respect)

These guys have seen it, done it, and taught thousands to do likewise.

But there is one man who has perhaps had a greater influence than any of the others. (no offense fellas)

His name is Mark Joyner."

- Joel Comm,
Host of the
"Next Internet Millionaire"
"Mark is so much more than a brilliant marketer and business strategist, his innovative ideas and advice set new standards for marketing and create million-dollar businesses out of thin air!"

- Ewen Chia,
"I consistently applied ONE idea from ONE of Mark’s books that I read years ago and it has paid off in the millions for me and my clients.  Now you know why I read ALL Mark’s books."

- Craig Perrine,
CEO, MaverickMarketer.com
"Mark Joyner is a visionary and one of those rare individuals who is able to communicate ground-breaking ideas in an easily understandable way."

- Mel Strocen,
CEO, Jayde Online, Inc.
"Mark has a unique energy rarely found in today's world and has been a great inspiration since I met him"

- Andrew Fox,
CEO Advent Marketing Ltd., secretmarketinglab.com
"Mark Joyner’s penetrating insights and laser focus will transform your life . . . fast!"

- Dave Lakhani,
President Bold Approach, Inc. boldapproach.com
"Mark's ability to make extremely crucial but complicated business strategies simple to understand and use has been worth millions for our business."

- Kevin Wilke,
Co-Founder of Nitro Marketing Inc. nitromarketing.com
"Mark Joyner delivers five amazingly precise, crystal clear, simple, real-world -- but utterly brilliant -- insights for every 120 seconds you can devour."

- Kenneth A. McArthur,
CEO McArthur Business Systems, Inc. jvAlert.com
"Mark is an inspirational genius who has the rare gift to condense and distill the pathway to what is really essential to live a full and purposeful life."

- Daniel Feenstra,
CEO Hotbid New Zealand Ltd
"Mark is a walking encyclopedia of practical, creative and usable here's what works material."

- John Assaraf,
New York Times Bestselling Author of The Street Kid's Guide To Having It All www.onecoach.com
"Mark Joyner is awesome, with Simpleology he has gently shown me the easy way to grow my business and tidy up my life. Treat yourself to a makeover, bring Mark into your day too."

- Krissy Jackson,
Author of Kick Start Your Life kickstartyourlife.com
"Within minutes he was able to deconstruct my business, pinpoint exactly where my business had 'leaks', and show me how to fix it.  I was stunned."

- Dave Miz,
Author, Insider Internet Dating insiderinternetdating.com
"Mark Joyner inspires, innovates, transforms, takes the obvious and gives birth to monolithic new ideas. One of those "rare" people who has the potential to change our human condition."

- Anthony Tomei,
CEO/Tomei Enterprises Corp., tomeimarketing.com
  "A man of high principles, Mark takes great pleasure in helping others make the most of their situation -- even when there's nothing in it for himself."

- Paul Galloway,
Internet Marketing Technology Consultant paulgalloway.com
"I've never been able to read Mark Joyner's books... I must always devour them."

- Tom Wood,
CEO, MasteryTV.com